Getac Vehicle Dock and 11-16V, 22-32V DC Vehicle Adapter for X500
Part Numbers GDVPX5 and GDVNX1

Model Number | Description | Price* |
GDVNX5 | Getac Vehicle Dock and 11-16V, 22-32V DC Vehicle Adapter for X500 without Tri Pass-through | £1365.00 |
GDVPX1 | Getac Vehicle Dock and 11-16V, 22-32V DC Vehicle Adapter for X500 with Tri Pass-through | £1449.00 |
*Please note all prices shown are exclusive of VAT

These Vehicle Docks are compatible with the following Getac models:
Getac X500 G1 Notebook
Getac X500 G2 Notebook
Getac X500 G3 Notebook