Getac S510 DVD Super Multi Drive

Part Number GSROXC

The DVD Super Multi Drive is an optical disk drive that can read and write for different kinds of optical disks. It allows the user to access a variety of different media formats. Besides, It is a user-removable module that can be installed without tools.

Getac S510 DVD Super Multi Drive GSROXC


Getac S510 DVD Super Multi Drive GSROXC


Getac DVD Super Multi Drive
Part Number Description Price*
GSROXC Getac DVD Super Multi Drive for S510 £81.30

*Please note all prices shown are exclusive of VAT


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Getac GSROXC Specifications
Dimensions L 138.5 x W 135.5 x H 14mm
Weight 170.5g


This DVD super multi drive is compatible with the following Getac models:

Getac S510 G1 Notebook

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